I'm in--thanks, Mark, for organizing this!

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Really happy you're trying out Article Club, Shreya! — will be great to hear your perspective.

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Hi, I'm in. I'm also new to this, so I am wondering, if the meeting this Sunday is us just reading in the google doc and annotating all at once, or if it is a ZOOM meeting? Excuse my ignorance of the process.

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Hi Renee! I’m so happy that you’re in! Welcome to Article Club. We’ll spend the month focusing on the article. This week, we each independently read (and optionally annotate) the article. Then in coming weeks, we share our first impressions, brainstorm questions for the author, and hear what she says. Then we end the month in a discussion of the article over Zoom — which will be on Sunday, Nov. 22, 2-3 pm PT. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

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I’m in!

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Carina, you're back! Tremendous news.

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I'm in because there are few people who I would willingly agree to have another zoom discussion of a reading with right now and yous are among them.

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Jim is back on Zoom!

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I’m in and really looking forward to the discussion, as it’s hard for me to understand how forgiveness could be possible after a tragedy like this.

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Thank you for taking the plunge, Molly! This article definitely challenged me (in a good way). Looking forward to your contribution.

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I'm in! Really looking forward to the article and discussion

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Thanks for joining again, Elise, and hope you find the article as powerful as I do.

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I'm in! I'm excited to be back and to read this article.

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Wonderful news that you are back and ready to share your wisdom!

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hello i'm summer and i am in! i have not read this before but i'm grateful for article club for introducing me to pieces i otherwise would not have come across.

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Thank you for the kind words, Summer! I’m looking forward to hearing your perspective on this article.

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Hi, I’m Mark, and I’m in! Back when this article came out in 2018, I went around to everyone I knew and asked, “Have you read it?” Too few had. That’s why I’m looking forward to discussing this powerful piece with you.

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