Thank you for persisting, Mark, well worth it.

The menopause article was fascinating and a great complrment to the daffy confectionery of 'All Fours,' by Miranda July, which I just read and loved and couldn't get enough of.

Charango taught me the meaning of the title of my favorite Morcheeba album and a great else besides, a very powerful read.

Sad to hear so many people are so quick to cancel events, can't say that's something I've experienced though. I wonder if you could draw a line between that article and the one about The anti-social century.

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Thank you, as always, for reading, Barry! Also, I appreciate your recommendation of *All Fours.* I'm going to add it to my stack.

That's great news that you haven’t experienced last-minute cancellations. Like the author, I’m a person who believes that “maybe” is always “no.” But my friends tell me to focus on who shows up, because that’s where the joy is. (My friends are correct.)

And yes: There has to be a direct line between this week’s article and “The Anti-Social Century.” My hope is that there’s still time (75 years?) to turn things around.

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