Great articles! I love that books can fly between gen pop and the SHU in prison. The kind of intimacy described in that next article seems so much more appealing than sex. AI appears to be the ultimate source of disinformation and algorithms truly harmful to real people. Finally, I loved the article about comparative meanings. The opening drawing of venomous (animals) and poisonous (plants) drew me in immediately. Week after week, you continue to knock ‘em out of the park! THANK YOU. 🙏
Great articles! I love that books can fly between gen pop and the SHU in prison. The kind of intimacy described in that next article seems so much more appealing than sex. AI appears to be the ultimate source of disinformation and algorithms truly harmful to real people. Finally, I loved the article about comparative meanings. The opening drawing of venomous (animals) and poisonous (plants) drew me in immediately. Week after week, you continue to knock ‘em out of the park! THANK YOU. 🙏
Thank you so much for reading all four articles, Knitwish! And for all your support of this newsletter.
I wished I lived closer to go to one of the meetups. One day I’ll get there. Great reads this week as always.
We have to figure out a way to make the meet-ups happen nationwide!
That would be cool. Like Substack is doing. You could also have each meetup Zoomed to locations