Friends! On Sunday from 2 - 3:30, I will be at the airport waiting to board a 4 pm flight. I am going to try my very best to join you all on my phone. There are SO MANY connections between our text and what is unfolding all around us. That is always true, but it is especially, and heartbreakingly, vivid in this time. Sending you all the best. I have learned so much from our shared conversations over these last months. And, for those of you on a school calendar--deep breath! We're almost there!
Friends! On Sunday from 2 - 3:30, I will be at the airport waiting to board a 4 pm flight. I am going to try my very best to join you all on my phone. There are SO MANY connections between our text and what is unfolding all around us. That is always true, but it is especially, and heartbreakingly, vivid in this time. Sending you all the best. I have learned so much from our shared conversations over these last months. And, for those of you on a school calendar--deep breath! We're almost there!