VIP #2: Inside Thoughts About HHH
Hi VIPs! Last Thursday’s HHH #12 was a big success. It was dark and drizzly outside, but still, 34 loyal readers attended, making it the largest turnout ever, by far, for a December HHH.
Today’s audio letter includes my more “inside” thoughts about HHH. For instance:
Weirdly, though I’m fairly shy and publicly awkward, I don’t stress out (as much) anymore about the event,
HHH is fun, and it’s great that people (even from far away) attend, but I want it to be even better,
I have forever lost my “teacher voice.”
OK, instead of typing all my thoughts, please click here to listen to this week’s audio letter! (Sorry for all the times I say “like.”)
Let me know what you think! Go ahead and hit reply or send me your own audio letter!
Here’s VIP Angelina with loyal reader Sele at last Thursday’s HHH. They are both great. They made sure I had at least a few photos of the event. Thank you!
+ A few updates: I hope you’re OK with getting the audio letter here on Revue rather than on Substack, which is now the home of Article Club. Remember: As VIPs, you’re automatically subscribed to Article Club, but if you’re not interested, feel free to unsubscribe. I don’t to clutter up your inbox just because you’re a VIP.
Finally, as we head into the holiday season, I want to thank you again for all your support, plus it would be great to connect. If you’re up for a phone call, I’d love to chat. Just hit reply (why must we “hit” reply?) and let me know. Have a great week, and see you Thursday!
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