Article Club
Article Club
Reflection and gratitude

Reflection and gratitude

Melinda and I chat about our favorite moments of the year

Dear Loyal Readers,

Hope you’re having a relaxing (and reading-heavy) end of the year.

I’ll be back next Thursday to reveal our January article of the month. It’s going to be a good one, and I urge you to join our discussion.

Until then, I welcome you to listen to Article Club’s first-ever end-of-year podcast reflection episode, in which Melinda and I discuss some highlights from 2023 and what’s coming up in the new year.

Among other things, we chat about:

  • our favorite articles of the year (can you guess?)

  • our favorite moments from our monthly discussions

  • what we’re looking forward to in 2024 (will Roxane Gay be joining us?)

  • how Melinda is going to read Middlemarch

To listen: Hit the play button up top or add Article Club to your favorite podcast player.

Here’s loyal reader Blevins being cozy and reading “Wider than the Sky,” one of the best articles of the year. Do you agree with Blevins that reading on paper is the way to go? (Tell me if you do.)

In the episode, Melinda and I also share our deep appreciation of our reading community here at Article Club. In other words: This means you.

Thank you for subscribing, reading the articles, listening to author interviews, joining the discussions, and sharing your perspectives.

Thank you for being thoughtful and kind.

As we head into 2024 — which will no doubt be a roller coaster — I’m reminded that authentic connection does not come easily. True empathy does not come easily. What we continue to build here is special. In fact, in this clip, Melinda calls it magical.


Thank you again, and see you in the New Year!


Article Club
Article Club
Book clubs are stressful. Join Article Club, a community of kind readers. We discuss one great article every month on race, education, or culture.