Iserotope Extras - Issue #21
No articles about education this week (for some reason), but be ready for some heavy hitters. First up is a profile of Hillary Clinton and her relationship with the Black Lives Matter movement. Then comes a happy-go-lucky photo essay about young people in Baltimore having good clean fun. After an intermediary dessert break, it gets very serious, very fast: refugees, sex abuse scandals, and Alzheimer’s. Please enjoy!
Michael Eric Dyson argues that Hillary Clinton could do more for African Americans than Barack Obama or Bill Clinton — especially if she continues to listen and learn from the productive tension offered by the Black Lives Matter movement.
I like this photo essay about kids in Baltimore riding dirt bikes and popping wheelies.
How about some gluten-free, dairy-free peanut butter chocolate chip blondies? (They were really good!) Try out Iris Delights, which specializes in made-to-order baked goods, chocolates, and candies. (I just realized this seems like an advertisement, so to be clear, Iserotope Extras received no money for this endorsement.)
The Rights of Refugees Who Do Wrong
This story about Nelson Kargbo, a child soldier from Sierra Leone who was given asylum in the United States, is very complicated and intensely sad. It also raises big questions about whether our country is ready to do the right thing for refugees.
Superb ‘Spotlight’ tells the story of journalists who investigated clergy sex abuse scandal
If you like journalism, or if you think *All the President’s Men* was a great movie, you’ll like Spotlight, which chronicles the Boston Globe’s coverage of the Catholic Church’s child molestation scandal of the early-2000s.
I’m really picking some sad (but important) articles this week. This one is from May, and it tracks a woman’s journey with Alzheimer’s and her decision to end her life. It is a horrible disease.
Happy December! See you next week. Until then, select your favorite article, share it with a friend, and say you read it in Iserotope Extras!
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