Iserotope Extras - Issue #15

Serious articles (and another podcast) this week about race, education, and what we do as a society when people die alone. Plus, there’s a picture of a Snoopy burger joint in Morocco! Thank you to all 46 subscribers. (Feel free to invite your friends to sign up, too.)
Why White Parents Won't Choose Black Schools
It’s true that when white people send their kids to neighborhood schools, the state of public education will improve. But getting there is hard. (Plus, I’m not a parent, so I have no credibility.)
This 17-minute podcast is a disturbing account of a lynching in Marion, Indiana, in 1930. An eerie photograph of the event led to “Strange Fruit,” sung by Billie Holliday. This is required listening for all teachers and everyone who cares about racism.

Subscriber and friend E. sent me this great picture from Morocco. Thanks, Erin! (I would love a Snoopy Burger.) (The Snoopy movie comes out soon.)
How Black Lives Matter Uses Social Media to Fight the Power
As a former social studies teacher, I appreciated this article’s account about how technology was used during the 1960s Civil Rights movement — and how things have changed today.
The Lonely Death of George Bell
Each year around 50,000 people die in New York, some alone and unseen. Yet death even in such forlorn form can cause a surprising amount of activity.
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