Before we start: Welcome, new subscribers! (There are about 100 of you.) Thank you for signing up for Article Club. I hope you feel right at home. OK, let’s get to it.
Our 19th Article Club discussion is in the books! We read and annotated Jamie Figueroa’s “The Stories I Haven’t Been Told” and participated in a deep, thoughtful conversation.
But that’s not all. A few weeks ago, Ms. Figueroa generously agreed to answer our questions in a podcast interview. I let a few of you know about this, and the response was electric! Several of you wanted in. So for the first time ever, it’s not just me and Sarai asking the questions. Please welcome Article Clubbers Elizabeth and Jessica to the show; their contributions made the discussion even better.
I hope you will take a listen. Ms. Figueroa spoke deeply on a range of topics, including the writing process, the power of our voice, our relationship with family and culture, and the longing to connect and belong in community.
Most of all: I want to appreciate Ms. Figueroa for sharing her time with us.
After listening to the interview, please share your thoughts in the comments. What resonated with you? What surprised you?
Thank you again — I’ll be back very soon to reveal September’s article, so be on the lookout for an email in your inbox in the next few days. Have a great week.
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